Kenneth Cole

Presuming Mr. Kenneth Cole
Will walk into the house tonight
We'll have a little party up the stairs
I'll pour the bowls and light the light
Even though the moon is bright
Evan and Renata will be there
If it's true I have to find
An overcoat and dungarees
A combination faceplate, my gentle acolyte
Presuming Mr. Cole
Will walk into the house tonight

Assuming Edward Vanderhoove
Is waiting by the railway ties
A driver must be sent for him in spades
Lady Mary disapproves
But lady as the birdie flies
Arrangements surely must be made
One's a riot, three's a crowd
You've been talking much too loud
We need to clear a path so Henry, shield your eyes
Assuming Vanderhoove
Is waiting by the railway ties

No one else must know of this
One thing I believe I missed
To guarantee a sense of bliss
Troubles must be kept from sight
Presuming Mr. Cole
Will walk into the house tonight